General Information

About Perugia


Perugia is the capital of the Umbria Region (the Green Heart of Italy), and is located in central Italy. The town is of Etruscan origin and contains more than 160,000 inhabitants.

The Acropolis of Perugia (about 490 m a.s.l.) has been selected by the Etruscan people for the topographic arrangement on two contiguous hills, Colle del Sole and Colle Landone, and for the water resources.

The oldest urban center is enclosed by walls dating from the 3rd Century BC, that are themselves incorporated into a medieval fortification (14th Century).

Read more: About Perugia

Reaching Perugia

Here you can find some information about how to reach Perugia and contacts of the major Italian transportation companies. These information are provided "as it is", please always check the company website for any update.

Read more: Reaching Perugia